Written and illustrated by: David Shannon (Spanish version translated by: Teresa Mlawer)
Published by: The Blue Sky Press / Scholastic in NY in 2002 (Spanish version published by: Everest / Scholastic in 2002
ISBN: 0-439-05022-7 (Spanish version ISBN: 84-241-8661-3)
Genre: Picture Book
Reading Level: Kindergarten
Activity Level: Kindergarten
Summary: This is a book about a little boy who always gets into trouble. Each page is filled with excuse he uses such as “I didn’t mean to” (p. 3) “My dog ate my homework,” (p. 11), and “I couldn’t help it” (p. 12) when he forgets to do something or does something incorrectly. He is always full of excuses and always says it was not his fault to whatever occurred. But then, when he lays down at night he says “Yes! It was me! I’m sorry” (p. 26-29). He repents of what he has done in the end and apologizes for the trouble he caused during the day.
Response: I love that David is such a typical little boy; those in a classroom would be able to easily relate to him! They would understand him and the moral of the story too, which is what the teachers want from reading this book.
The illustrations in this book are typical David Shannon. They are adorable and childlike, yet with great depth and color-blending that is apparent in all of his double- and one single-page spreads that rapidly more the story along.
Teaching Connections: A teacher could read this book to her kindergarten class when the students seem to be forgetting common courtesies and need to be reminded to be kind to one another. The teacher could prompt the student with a text talk style question on many of these pages by asking what David just did, since the story is highly correlated with the pictures and the words just tell us what David said, but not about what he did.
A teacher could also pair this book with its Spanish counterpart and use that book with her class as well if she has several Hispanic students in her class. It would be great because everything is exactly alike except for the words!
What Students Learn: From this book students learn that being a typical boy is alright and your parents will love you no matter what, but it is better to take responsibility for your actions and say that you are sorry when you do something wrong.
Images Retrieved From: http://www.carverlib.org/kids/kidsimages/davidgetsintrouble.gif. AND http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PGEFAP9JL._SL160_.jpg.
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