Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Mirror of Erised

My mirror of Erised would show the things in these pictures. Church and Christianity are a large part of my life, so I placed images regarding that in the center of my image. I really want the importance of Christ in my life to be shown through what I do. In no particular order around the center image are pictures of graduation, teaching, family, and travel. Graduation is very important to me right now. I am so very excited to complete my bachelors degree and perhaps continue my education further in the field of teaching. I am so excited about becoming a teacher and cannot wait to have a classroom of my own in which I can help make a difference in the lives of my students and help prepare them for the world. My family has always and will always be very important to me. Traveling is something that has always been a passion of mine. I hope to one day see many of the famous sites of the world including the place in one of the pictures--Venice, Italy.

(Images retrieved from Microsft Office clipart on13 April 2008)

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