Sunday, February 17, 2008

Where I Am From

Where I Am From

I am from tulips and hostas, tractors and dump trucks, and lots of love.

I am from huge meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas, from dinners out on birthdays, and from laughing at “inside” jokes.

I am from working hard and playing trumpet in school ensembles.

I am from Christianity, from church on Sundays and family meals at Grandmama’s afterward.

I am from “read to me” and “strawberrty,” from falling off the couch, and weekends in the mountains.

I am from circle houses in the driveway, from bologna sandwiches in the microwave, and the smell of Grandaddy’s aftershave.

I am from spinach dip and chicken and dumplings, from canning green beans and beets.

I am from remodeling houses and spontaneous trips to town, from shopping with Mom.

I am from funny stories about cleaning my sunglasses, and “I’m just lookin’.”

I am from matching cars and mp3 players, from running through piles of leaves with my brother, from watermelons, blackberries, and sweet tea.

I am from car fanatics and morning checklists, and from watching movies on Sunday nights.

I am from first day of school pictures, from hot light rolls and chocolate oatmeal cookies, and from the importance of family.

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